Week 47- Birthday Post 🎂: Jumpman 23

If you would of told me I would have made it to Twenty three, I would of laughed in your face. Wow…mid twenties…hmmm. What a year, What to do.. It’s Black Friday and yet, I’m thinking how to save money rather than spend it.

Update: I had this posting on autopilot, so I was unaware the whole day it uploaded without my knowledge. Thank you Tareau Barron for the belated birthday wish, I really appreciate the comment and your blog.

Ended up going ice skating the majority of the day with a friend of mine from college. That’s the perfect representation of what it means to be in your twenties: ice skating. Everyone learns and grows at different rates and times for different reasons. You look at others and it’s second nature. You’re over here trying to not lose your footing. Everyone falls but everyone gets up. Certain people skate with their families, friends. Certain people rather skate alone. Some do it for practice, competition and/or enjoyment. Nontheless, we are all on thin ice whether we know it or not. Enjoy what you can.

I wanted to go to a Hip-Hop improv show later in the evening but decided against it. Hanging with my sister became the better option. She always knew how to make a birthday extra special.

Honestly, It was one of my better birthdays I have had in years. Somehow, I felt upset with myself. On Facebook, cruising through profiles of people i used to know..like an addict. Seeing their smiling faces, wishing I was a part of that memory. Those pictures.. Then I remembered how everyone is on thin ice just like me..we’re in this together.

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